Pisces is the most considerate and compassionate sign out of all the signs of the zodiac. In keeping with those qualities, the Pisces woman is the one who is most willing and able to listen to other people’s problems and, who will offer endless support and comfort.
The Pisces woman’s emotional openness can also become her greatest challenge since the fish swims within the oceans and seas being areas of wide expanses and limitless depths.
The Pisces girl can swim about in an endless sea of emotions with no shore in sight and, as result, can end up absorbing so much emotional energy from her environment that she can become drained of vitality, causing her to withdraw into herself in the manner of a self-imposed exile of solitude.
This is the most mystical of the signs and the Pisces girl is aware that there is an invisible world; as result she can often feel overly burdened by the restrictions and responsibilities of the practical realities of the life in which she lives.
It is not uncommon for some Pisces women to endeavour to overcome the pressures of everyday life through forms of addiction. These girls can be related to the Fish that swim downstream.
The alternative, are the Fish who swim upstream, represented by those Pisces girls who take a path in life that brings them consciously into contact with their deep spiritual nature.
Her scathing tongue will become loose once in a while only. In case you have found the opposite characteristics profile in a Piscean woman, chances are that she suffered extremely harsh treatment at a very young age and the bitterness will be a result of that trauma only. She has certain subtleness around her and may also become a little deceptive at times. She is not mean; it's just that she feels like keeping certain things to herself only.
Then, the deceptiveness also helps her in keeping you interested in her. A Pisces female is very sentimental and even slightly harsh words can cause her to cry hours at end. You can easily imagine what will happen when you really hurt her feelings. She may imagine herself to totally worthless and incapable of the fighting spirit to survive. Then, you will have to assure her that she is appreciated for her great wisdom, empathy and vast understanding. You know that whatever you are saying is true; it's just a matter of convincing her about the same.
You will have to remove her doubts about herself or she may become too closeted in self-defense. A Pisces girl is very shy, emotional and vulnerable. To protect her susceptibility, she often wears a cloak of wittiness, frigidity and independence. She is afraid of exposing her true self, lest people hurt her in the process. She is a true romantic and secretly yearns for a person who will love her, cuddle her, hug her and make her feel loved and protected.
A Pisces woman nags just like all the other women and she has a bad temper too. In her fury, she can turn bitterly sarcastic.
Me almost to a T.
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