Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Past the borderline of fear...

"She's dead."

My brain stopped and hysteria seeped in.

"No. She can't be."

She had been driving alone through the mountains. They stopped her, they raped her, and they killed her.

They left her in the snow.

I screamed. Tears wouldn't stop, clouding my vision.

My best friend, the one truly positive person in my life. Gone.

I'm hysterical.

No more "Hey gorgeous, I love you." texts in the morning when I wake up...that's what I thought of first.

You think of weird things when your heart is pumping out of your chest.

I held his hand.

He cried and picked up her things.

Put them in a bag.

I woke up in tears.

She's still alive.

I couldn't help thinking that it was a vision.

I'm scared for her.

I called and told her I loved her.

Nightmares...are terrifying.

But what if I'm dreaming now?

What if she really is dead?

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